
Mario exed
Mario exed

Mario.EXE met his brother Luigi and proceeded to set fire to a castle full of Toads by burning them all and then escaping only to be chased by Luigi in the pipes. Satan sent his servant to destroy the Mushroom Kingdom and kill its inhabitants. Mario's life was similar to his original version until Satan became interested in him, the demon captured him and corrupted him, turning him into Mario.EXE. He has black eyes with red pupils with blood coming out of them, the colors of his shirt and overalls are dark green and red respectively. Mario.EXE is almost identical to Mario from Super Mario Bros. He was originally Mario before Satan intercepted him and turned him into a. Mario Mario, now known as Mario.EXE, is the main antagonist of Mario.exe made by Coolrash.

mario exed

That, which waits for you on the lock will soon leave.

Mario exed