Federal law gives the consumer the right to obtain copies of his or her consumer reports directly from the consumer reporting agencies, including a free report from each nationwide consumer reporting agency once in a 12-month period.The consumer is encouraged to verify the accuracy of the information contained in the consumer report and has the right to dispute inaccurate information.

The name of the consumer reporting agency or person that provided each credit score obtained and used by the dealer.

A graph or statement from the person providing the credit score meeting the requirements of this paragraph is acceptable. These credit scores will be presented in the form of a bar graph with a minimum of six bars that illustrate the percentage of consumers with credit scores within the range of scores reflected in each bar, or another understandable graph or statement informing the consumer how his or her credit score compares to the scores of other consumers.

Each credit score obtained and used by the dealer.Dealers must provide a “Notice to Vehicle Credit Applicant” written document, in at least 10-point type, separate from the sale or lease document, which states: